AMI Automation in cooperation with SSAB successfully commissioned a DigiFCR® X4 at SSAB Iowa’s DC EAF Rectifier

AMI Automation successfully commissioned on October 2022 a DigiFCR®X4 at SSAB Iowa’s DC EAF Rectifier. The DigiFCR® X4 uses state of the art technology to upgrade controls and firing circuitry of large power rectifiers, solving operational and obsolescence problems without making a big investment and longer shutdowns.

DigiFCR® X4 is more than a current regulator and has been designed by AMI to control any brand of DC EAF Rectifiers with advanced controls, high speed response, expanded diagnostics tools beyond conventional capabilities and remote monitoring.

The upgraded power rectifier’s circuitry was then interfaced with AMI’s electrode regulator, taking advantage of DigiFCR® X4 native coordination with DigitARC® PX3. In an upcoming stage, AMI will also upgrade the controls and firing boards of SSAB Iowa’s existing Static VAR Compensator using a DigiFCR® SVC with same technological platform than DigiFCR® X4.

The full suite of AMI solutions to control Power Systems (DC EAF Rectifier, SmartFurnace® and SVC) will allow SSAB Iowa to have better arc stability, power consumption, increase their panels’ life, respond faster and smarter to each heat stage, while monitoring the entire furnace operation among many other process improvements.

AMI Automation